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Playing the Market
From: Island Farm & Garden Magazine July - August 2023
July 2023 / By: Diana
Island Good is now well into its 5th year. The 2nd Annual Island Good Days and Market was in June with a great turn out and vibe. Island Good’s dedication to helping promote local business is evident and there is growing support from retailers, businesses, and consumers alike. Island-made products are represented and valued not only on grocery store shelves but also at our regional markets. This past April, Island Good was thrilled at the opportunity to partner with the British Columbia Association of Farmers’ Market (BCAFM) to further support the growers, producers, and makers that vend at farmer’s markets across Vancouver Island and the rural islands.
BCAFM has a staggering 145+ markets across the province and 27 of those are in our region. As an organization, they are an economic accelerator for small business and one of the largest supporters of food resiliency.
British Columbia Association of Farmers Market helps markets in developing, strengthening, and promoting local vendors. BCAFM is running a program this summer, alongside the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC), to measure the economic impact of farmer’s markets across the province. The results of this study will shed light on the substantial contributions farmer’s markets have on communities, while also enhancing the view of markets among stakeholders, potential funders, and the public.
The 2023 BC Farmer’s Market Economic Impact Study includes the participation of 65 markets of all types and sizes across the province including some of our own local markets here on Vancouver Island. The Economic Impact Study is assessing the crowd counts, and taking customer/business surveys. The BCAFM hopes to promote assistance from the government, food industry, food networks, and tourism by sharing the positive influence and impact while gauging the interest of consumers. With the data being collected during this summer, starting at the beginning of June until the end of August, BCAFM plans to release the information this upcoming winter. With the help of Dr. David J. Conell and their team at UNBC, the project has started off strong and ultimately aims to garner attention for our Island Good farmers markets.
The new partnership between Island Good and British Columbia Association of Farmers Market is exciting and will support the efforts of both organizations to grow the entrepreneurial spirit that is what makes the market experience so unique. Watch for Island Good flags and information this market season, and to learn more about BC Farmers Market Association and their BC Farmers’ Market Economic Study visit bcfarmersmarket.org, and to search for and find Island Good markets visit www.bcfarmersmarkettrail.com
Find a full listing of Island Good growers, makers, and retailers, visit islandgood.ca.
It’s all good. Island Good