What is Island Good?
Island Good makes it easy for you to discover the best of what the Island has to offer, all while supporting local businesses!
The easy way to shop local
Island Good is all about making it easy for islanders & visitors alike to find products made & grown in the Vancouver Island region (Vancouver Island & Rural Islands).
- The Island Good logo distinguishes products made & grown in the Vancouver Island region
- Look for Island Good signs to identify restaurants & stores that have Island Good products
- Take part in Island Good markets & events to connect with producers & experience the best of what the Island has to offer
- Follow @IslandGoodBrand on social media to discover new Island Good business and keep up to date on your existing favourites
We love where we live. We’re proud of Vancouver Island. And we know Island Good is good for the economy, good for jobs, good for the environment, and good for us!
Why Island Good?
Since Island Good was launched in 2018, it has been a trusted tool for Island consumers to discover locally-made products and connect with the producers behind them. We do the work of identifying Island-made products so you don’t have to!
There are so many exceptional products made and grown here, many of them unique to the Vancouver Island region. It’s a bonus that shopping local has proven benefits for our communities. Whether your interest is food security, reducing carbon footprint, strengthening the Island economy, or a simple desire to have excellent local products, Island Good is pointing the way.
What products/businesses does Island Good cover?
As long as it is made or grown in the Vancouver Island region (Vancouver Island & the Gulf Islands), it qualifies as Island Good. Island Good covers everything from airplane parts to food & beverages. Take a look at our directory to find Island Good near you.
Learn more on how to become Island Good
Who is behind Island Good?
Island Good is a trusted brand that is trademarked and licensed by the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance (VIEA). VIEA is a non-government, non-profit, regional economic development organization serving all of Vancouver Island and the Rural Islands with a single mandate to help ensure a vital and sustainable Island economy. In addition to Island Good, VIEA produces an annual Economic Summit, an annual Economic Report, is responsible for Foreign Trade Zone Vancouver Island, and pursues numerous priority initiatives with broad appeal and benefit.
We think this is good. ‘Island Good’.
How about you?
How about you?

Support Island Good
Experience the Island and Rural Islands through products made & grown in our region. Look for the logo to support Island businesses.
Join Island Good
Promote your products & strengthen your business by joining the Island Good Licensee Program.