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Give Island Goods this Holiday Season!
November 2021 / By: Diana
Think ‘Island Good’ when Holiday Shopping and send a ‘taste of Vancouver Island’ to friends and relatives anywhere in the world.
As Paul Gill, Owner of Island Good Sutra Sauces, recently said at the Island Good – Recipes for Success’ session at the ‘State of the Island’ Economic Summit, “everyone is very happy here [on Vancouver and the Gulf Islands] and when you are making products and you’re happy that transpires into the goods.”
Who wouldn’t love a package of local happiness! We are hearing it on the streets and seeing it on social media posts. More than ever, people are wanting to both shop and receive local.
The Island Good brand and website is a simple, headache-free way to source Island Good products and retailers. Order an Island Good Gift Box—a ‘taste of Vancouver Island’ shipped anywhere in the world.
Current boxes to choose from include:
Island Mind and Body
Coastal Kitchen
Pacific Pantry
Island Sunrise – Breakfast Gift Box
Gift for Them
Gift for Him
Gift for Her
These boxes include products from Island Good businesses Level Ground Trading Coffee, Stonehouse Teas, Saltspring Kitchen Co. Gathering Place Trading Singing Bowl Granola, Ed’s Soup Shack+, Pixie Chicks Spices, Yeshi Dressing, St Jean’s Cannery Martha’s Delectables, hOMe Grown Living Foods, Tilly’s Easy Gourmet Meals, Wychbury Ave., Your Elegant Essentials, Island Times Soaps, and Jenny Marie’s Crackers.
Or you can build your own box through the Order Retriever website and add in other Island Good products from Hardy Buoys, Ravensong Soap, Rock Coast, Woodfire Spice and Little Lavender Goods.
To explore the complete list of Island Good producers and support local go to www.islandgood.ca.
Enjoy your Island Good shopping experience and share your Island Good gift packages on social media by using the #IslandGood hashtag.
Have an ‘Island Good’ Holiday Season!